New Year’s Eve parties around the clock are only permitted on a small scale this year – up to ten people. This is because the 10 p.m. curfew also applies to private gatherings – including those that are vaccinated. As already announced, several unvaccinated people are exceptionally allowed to get together at the turn of the year: This New Year’s Eve exception was passed with the current amendment to the Covid 19 Protective Measures Ordinance today in the main committee.
The exception for the unvaccinated (who are still in lockdown) has already been announced by the government. The ordinance now stipulates that the exit restrictions for this group of people will be lifted on December 31 and January 1. However, even on the last day of the year, people without a 2-G certificate will not be allowed to go out: the 2-G regulation for restaurants and the like will also apply on New Year’s Eve.
Also applies in the private sector
On New Year’s Eve, different regulations will apply to the unvaccinated and the vaccinated/vaccinated. While the unvaccinated are exceptionally allowed to get together in groups of ten, for persons with 2-G proof (as otherwise) gatherings of up to 25 persons are permitted until 10:00 pm. After 10:00 p.m., however, the ten-person limit applies to all. The exception is intended to “enable annual celebrations on a small scale,” according to the “legal justification” of the draft regulation as published by APA. On the other hand, however, it is intended to limit the risk of infection as best as possible by minimizing risk factors such as “risky behavior at night, gathering of larger crowds.”
The “curfew” 22.00 o’clock applies thus not only to the catering trade, but regarding the number of persons also in the private range – whereby in the private range, as so far already, the police may not control only because of a possible offence against the Coronavirus rules. However, if police officers intervene, for example, because of a reported disturbance, they can also check whether the protective measures are being observed.
- source: by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash
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